dSplo network analys penetration suite which aims security experts/geeks complete professional toolk perform network security assesments mobile device.
Once dSplo started, be able map , fingerprint alive hosts operating systems services, search vulnerabilities, crack logon procedures tcp protocols, perform man middle attacks such sniffing ( protocols dissection ), real time traffic manipulation, etc, etc .

Root dsploit v1.0.27b :
RouterPWN - Launch the http://routerpwn.com/ service .
Trace- Perform a traceroute.
Port Scanner- A syn port scanner quickly open ports single target.
Inspector- Performs target operating system deep detection, slower than syn port- scanner but .
Vulnerability Finder - Search vulnerabilities running services upon National Vulnerability Database.
Login Cracker - A very fast network logon cracker which supports many different services.
Packet Forger - Craft a custom TCP packet target.
MITM - A set -in-the-midtle tools &conquer network.
Simple Sniff - target's traffic through ( useful when using a network
sniffer like 'Sharp' ) network stats.
Password Sniffer - Sniff passwords protocols such, ftp, imap, imaps, irc, msn, etc from .
Session Hijacker - Listen network sessions.
Kill Connections - Kill connections preventing any website.
Redirect - Redirect all traffic adtress.
Replace Images - Replace all images specified one.
Replace Videos - Replace all youtube videos specified one.
Script Injection - Inject a javascript visited webpage.
Custom Filter - Replace custom text specified one.
Version 1.0.27b :
Removed loader from hijacker browser.
Root dsploit v1.0.27b issue #61 : Open service with" feature.
Root dsploit v1.0.27b issue #102 : User wordlist bruteforce.
Minor ui fix cracker layout.
Root dsploit v1.0.27b issue #109 : Improve hijacker browser.
Br application icon, big thanks Alokaily ( m0hmd88 ).
Root dsploit v1.0.27b issue #106 : Reimplement connection killer & password sniffer.
Root dsploit v1.0.27b issue #105 : Enable ip forwarding too.
Switched from nmap host discovery probe host discovery.
Root dsploit v1.0.27b issue #36 : Unexpected application restart.
Root dsploit v1.0.27b issue #91 : Endpoints problem.
Root dsploit v1.0.27b issue #96 : dSplo't list all IP's network, different subnets.
Root dsploit v1.0.27b issue #100 : Session hijacking stucks at "loading page".
Root dsploit v1.0.27b issue #99 : When exiting back button, icon stays notification bar.
Root dsplo.0.27b
An Android device least .3 ( Gingerbread ) Root dsploit v1.0.27b OS. ( 2.3 support since v1.0.5b ).
must be rooted
must BusyBox full install, t utility installed ( partial installation ).
project website:http://www.dsploit.net/