Fast Burst Camera-Black Screen v1.6 ₪₪
: Android 2.2 up ₪₪
: silence, fast, quick burst camera, connuous shoot, me, black screen ₪₪


₪₪ [Key Features] ₪₪ 1. Connuous quick shoot ₪₪ 2. Silent shoot ₪₪ 3. Shoot a black screen ₪₪ 4. Delete icon/ Us Por bton( screen locked) ₪₪ - Delete pictures folder ₪₪ 5. Show image : Video mode/Gallery ₪₪ 6. Specify storage folder ₪₪ Have ever woke up lovely baby by camera shoot sounds while tak picture of baby?? not worry anymore, t produce no shoot sounds. ₪₪ If take a group , re might be at least a person closed eyes. ₪₪ counnuously take mulple pictures t , choose pictures no has closed eyes. ₪₪ T right , If want take mulple pictures of certain durations. ₪₪ T will connuously take mulple pictures many possible within maximum hardware specs of smartphone. ₪₪ resolion support would be differ by device due preview function. ₪₪ , might not be able take maximum resolion. ₪₪ Available maximum size of preview resolion of screen. ₪₪ msung Galaxy Note, are able take maximum of 15 pictures connuousely resolion of 1280 x 800 per second. lor resolion, are able take maximum of 25 pictures connuousely. It would be differ by device. It uses silent mode ve por, dim screen needed. ₪₪ If take many photos, could possibly be stopped because t would use extremely high level of phone memory secure memory needed. ₪₪ recommend find optimum setng thru several tests not stopped. ₪₪ If stopped not restarted, should choose [Clear Data] initialize setngs at TaskManager. n, will work. ₪₪ If choose [Clear Mamory] TaskManager -> Ram bee use , are able take more picture. ₪₪ Developers not responsible any legal problems occur by us t . ₪₪ Please use t good manner. ₪₪
/> ₪₪ ₪₪ ₪₪ Download: ₪₪ http://ul./ju509sbg ₪₪ ₪₪ ₪₪