Executive Assistant + v1.9.5: Android OS 2.1 +
Executive Assistant + v1.9.5: . . Assistant.
Executive Assistant (EA) provides-in-one interface reviewing your:
+ Email: any combination , Google Apps,/IMAP accounts. Exchange too if a supported email client. See below list clients.
+ Text messages: both native Voice, including pop-up options
+ Missed calls: return calls directly from
+ Calendar events (including Exchange & Facebook if supported phone)
+ Tasks: Astrid, Google Tasks Organizer (lite & pro), Got , GTasks, ToDo Task Manager (lite),
+ Google Reader
+ Twitter timeline
+ Facebook news
Use modes:
+ Lock Screen: Use lock screen replacement all stuff without going thru . which info lock screen.
+ Welcome Screen: Instant-on immediately after unlocking . Don't pattern lock ? Give t a try access .
+ Home Screen Widget: 'always on' interface wherever it. Use a full-widget a preview area, single-row, icons-only widget shows icons. Many sizes from. Optionally use a Sense-like theme full-widget.
Full-Executive Assistant + v1.9.5 3.0 & later, any launcher Executive Assistant + v1.9.5 2 scrollable Executive Assistant + v1.9.5 extension, such as: ADW, Launcher+, Go (but Pro since Executive Assistant + v1.9.5 1).
In every mode: launch apps, return missed calls, dial voicemail (or optionally choose Google Voice, Visual Voicemail other voicemail app).
Reply messages directly from Screen Screen, without unlocking (if t).
Host Executive Assistant + v1.9.5 & shortcuts screen.
image home screen wallpaper (including live wallpapers). Customize text displays modes. Optionally select custom icons tabs.
Supported POP/IMAP clients: Enhanced Email, K9 Mail
’t need a supported client POP/IMAP accounts in EA, however, if , then EA directly from -device database, without having them over connection. Also, tapping a message the corresponding app.
If ’t want one supported email clients, then you EA’s free POP/IMAP add-on from server (EA it).
Supported Exchange clients: TouchDown Email Solutions
If Exchange email, options use either TouchDown Email. TouchDown dedicated Exchange app corporate email, calendar and tasks. Enhanced Email general email client Exchange accounts /IMAP accounts. Some people able to access their Exchange accounts using K9. Some Exchange servers also allow access via IMAP.
Note would also love EMail & GMail apps but unfortunately, Google does allow 3rd party apps to access those databases.
Even without direct access GMail app’s data, good options & Google Apps accounts:
1. enable IMAP account (from GMail web, see Settings/Mail settings/Forwarding & POP/IMAP), then access your account using one supported POP/IMAP clients, POP/IMAP add-on.
2. select the "Get from Google" option when setting account in EA preview from Google’s servers.
What's Executive Assistant + v1.9.5 :
v1.9.5: bug fixes
+ Support messages Messaging tab.
+ Adapts change preventing Tweets from updating.
v1.9.3: integration Email
Download : Executive Assistant + v1.9.5:
MirrorExecutive Assistant + v1.9.5: