₪₪ Countdown s special event us Countdown Status Bar. s Left are displayed status bar ₪₪ Countdown special event us Countdown Status Bar. coundown shown number of s alwa visible even when phone locked unlike widgets run up 5 simultaneous coundowns status bar. ₪₪ Countdown Status bar enter date title of an event count down . ₪₪ PLEASE CONTACT US IF HAVE ANY PROBLEMS QUESTIONS ₪₪ wagwans@gmail.com ₪₪ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Wagwans ₪₪ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Wagwans ₪₪ Google+ - http://gplus./Wagwans ₪₪ Features: ₪₪ - Run up 5 Simultaneous countdowns ₪₪ - Coundown from 500 s fure. (more ₪₪ - Simple UI easy underst options. Remember Less More. ₪₪ - ao start when phone rebooted. ₪₪ - Choose from a list of colours idenfy differenate countdowns even match status bar colour date blends ll. ₪₪ White - blend Android 2.3.x ₪₪ Grey - blend Android 2.3.x (msung Galaxy S2) ₪₪ Green - Any device ₪₪ Blue (ICS) - blend Android 4.x ₪₪ Red - Any device ₪₪ Yellow - Any device ₪₪ Try m . ₪₪ - Displa title number of s left notification drop down ₪₪ - Very small a small footprint. Virtually no battery drain ₪₪ - Supports Android tablets. ₪₪ - No ads. ₪₪ If have a request please email us will help ₪₪ Extensive test follow devices/Versions: ₪₪ msung Galaxy S2 ₪₪ Motorola Xoom ₪₪ msung Galaxy Y ₪₪ Android 2.2.x ₪₪ Android 2.3.x ₪₪ Android 3.2 (Honey Comb Tablets) ₪₪ Android 4.x ₪₪ Limitations: ₪₪ - Android 3.0 above, Android 4.0 above, Android OS has "aomatic shrink dimm" status bar notifications focus main activity. icons remain at thier full size at full intensity notification area when selected, ₪₪ Please contact us report any issues request a feature. ₪₪ 's t version: ₪₪ v1.5.5 ₪₪ - Minor bug fixes ₪₪ - Added Facebook, Twitter Google+ follow btons ₪₪ play: ₪₪ ₪₪
https://play.google.com/store/s/d...HVzYmFycHJvIl0. ₪₪ download: ₪₪ http://www.directmirror.com/files/7EPA5GK4