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: Swiftly culate resultant ces engineer stresses design scenarios ₪₪ ₪₪
₪₪ T quick easy tool will allow culate resultant ces stresses encountered many common design scenarios. ₪₪ PROFESSIONALS ₪₪ Quickly accurately analyze stress levels common design elements ces which result from real-world scenarios impact load buckl. built- unit conversions, worry ab unit se again. ₪₪ POST SECONDARY STUDENTS ( Mechani, Aerospace, Civil Engineer, etc... ) ₪₪ problem sets, labs design projects a breeze pre-written mulae which are comm taught engineer schools. Improve quality of designs by consider mulple failure modes at design stage quickly, easily. ₪₪ Simplify engineer stress concentration culations : ₪₪ - Reference equations & diagrams ₪₪ - Integration of sub-equations - (Press |Sub| bton) ₪₪ - Dynamic culation ₪₪ - Built- unit conversion ₪₪ - Prominent tabbed p display ₪₪ - Simplified main screen lay icons quick idenfication ₪₪ - Built- Cross-section property culators ₪₪ Eir reference double-check, conveniently view each diagram equation at bottom of each culator's screen an easy read graphi lay see reference tbooks. ₪₪ integration of sub-equations, benefit from added ease of determin criti design inps through additional equations if have not determined specific value beeh. (Press |Sub| bton) ₪₪ Dynamic culation allows vary design parameters rapidly see ir result with ever hav re-culate. ₪₪ Inp parameters standard units of measure engineer with hav own conversions. ₪₪ prominent tabbed p display makes ansr alwa directly at h by display p(s) at top of screen. By group culators p mulple design parameters a compact easy use "tabbed" display, "swipe tap" left right p field view of results. ₪₪ simplified main screen lay contains a easy--use list-view of culators, each ir own custom icon it even easier idenfy culator need reduce spend read options. ₪₪ Simplify culations built- cross-section property culators a wide variety of standard shapes have culate area moment of inera (I) by h again. need press |Sub| bton beside cross-section property of interest. ₪₪ Included culators: ₪₪ 1. Impact ce (Horizontal) ₪₪ 2. Impact ce (Ver) ₪₪ 3. Curved Beam Stress ₪₪ 4. Direct Bear Stress ₪₪ 5. Tear Shear Stress ₪₪ 6. Buckl (Concentric Load) ₪₪ 7. Principal Stresses 2D ₪₪ 8. Principal Stresses 3D ₪₪ 9. Von Mises Stress (From Principal Stresses) - Ductile ₪₪ 10. Von Mises Stress (From General Stresses) - Ductile ₪₪ 11. Modified-Mohr Stress - Brittle ₪₪ Units Conversions Supported: ₪₪ Stress / Pressure: Pa, kPa, MPa, GPa, psi, kpsi ₪₪ Strain: unitless, %, Millistrain, Microstrain, Nanostrain ₪₪ ce: N, kN, MN, GN, nN, uN, mN, lbf, kgf ₪₪ Length: m, mm, um, nm, , ft ₪₪ Area: m^2, mm^2, cm^2, um^2, nm^2, ^2, ft^2 ₪₪ Moment of Inera: m^4, mm^4, cm^4, um^4, nm^4, ^4, ft^4 ₪₪ Standard Cross-section Properes A, I J Supported: ₪₪ Area Moment of Inera (I): ₪₪ Rectangle, Hollow Rectangle, Circle, Hollow Circle, I-Beam, Semicircle, Ellipse, General Triangle, Right Triangle, Isosceles Triangle ₪₪ Simple Solions Droid dedicated provid simple solions complex techni problems. ₪₪ reciate any feedback our s help provide better solions , our valued customers. ₪₪ Please note t product intended a reference tool not a substite mal engineer design verification. ₪₪ ₪₪ ₪₪