: EVA best Voice Assistant Android ₪₪ ₪₪ EVA best Voice Assistant Android. ₪₪ EVA most full featured virtual assistant Android. ₪₪ PLEASE TRY FREE VERSION FIRST. SORRY NO REFUNDS. UNINSTALL FREE VERSION BEE INSTALL T . SETNGS WILL BE RETAINED RESTORED AOMATILY. ₪₪ Who should use EVA? If are look an lication provides hands-free operation of phone open s, read reply t mesges email, schedule endar events many more functions perm us just voice n EVA right . If are just look an electronic friend chat n please go of Siri clones. h if want a real virtual assistant has useful functions will life easier n please EVA a try. ₪₪ EVA has functions 'd expect assistant perm plus some probably re possible. Here a list of some of functions wont find most of competion: ₪₪ ★ Read reply incom t email includ Microsoft Exchange ₪₪ ★ Integration Evernote ₪₪ ★ Home Aomation INSTEON. Turn lights liances, open garage door a whole more, voice commands scheduled based location. ₪₪ ★ Location based reminders. Remind someth based location. ₪₪ ★ Location based actions. Perm any function EVA based current location. Have EVA aomatily t wife when leave office. ₪₪ ★ based actions. Perm any function EVA a set ₪₪ ★ car mode includ wake up phrase ₪₪ ★ Custom voice shortcs phone lications. s any name want open m us name. ₪₪ ★ Voice bookmarks favorite b sites. bookmarks any name want open m us name. ₪₪ ★ Activate just by shak phone ₪₪ ★ Works Bluetooth Headsets ₪₪ full online manual please go : ₪₪ http://www.bulletproof.com/eva ₪₪ If have tried Vlo, Speaktoit, Jeannie Iris want someth does most everyth y plus a more n EVA a try. ₪₪ http://www.bulletproof.com ₪₪ If prefer a male assistant please choose EVAN instead. ₪₪ If don't already have a third party t speech voice replaces default Pico voice phone I recommend SVOX Classic. ir voices will work any t speech device. Download Free SVOX Classic demo voices. ₪₪ EVA English . Please don't me 1 star rats not hav language. I am person work t. languages are not possible at t ! ₪₪ 's t version: ₪₪
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