: “Kids Learn English” an initiative by “School Mobile” towards increas literacy level provid quality education everyone everywhere, irrespective of ir social status. ₪₪ ₪₪ “Kids Learn English” an initiative by “School Mobile” towards increas literacy level provid quality education everyone everywhere, irrespective of ir social status. ₪₪ Words are spoken kid-friendly English which would m learn idenfy objects easily. T study will enable kid visualize objects underst it ll. ₪₪ animations used t lication will help kid differenate among still mov objects different dimensions. Visualiz mov objects makes scope interactive wider. It turn helps kid be more interactive ir studies. long term it will help m roach higher education a better way. ₪₪ Key points of lication: ₪₪ • Learn letters upper lor case ₪₪ • Idenfy objects relat m words ₪₪ • Visualiz objects graphics animated objects. ₪₪ • Interactive learn pronunciation of letters words ₪₪ • No robotic voices are be used simulate actual classroom environment home. ₪₪ • not support adversements lication. ₪₪ Repeat objects different ms lor-upper cases will enable child underst variations among me objects letters. ₪₪ Ever seen standard of education, poor kids get (if y have opportunity go some school)? request part improv ir situation. Instead of shar pictures, jokes, videos, songs, torrents facebook, twitter social network sites… try someth which really social. Share device some poor kid 10 mines provide him opportunity get world-class education. let us know how feel… how kids’ smile feels… ₪₪ T our first step towards our aim of mak enre primary education available device help needy, when see . ₪₪ if want share t education transition those gu, it would be an achievement us ll literacy level of t world. ₪₪ If ’d test self bee buy it, offer a free lite version. strongly recommend try our Free version “Kids Learn English Free” bee download t. ₪₪ would love hear from children/student(s). Please let us know how have done. Please rate us post valuable words. ₪₪ If have any questions issues any advice, please email us. alwa respond within 24 hours somemes within mines even. ₪₪ /> ₪₪ ₪₪
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