JustPictures! v6.4 ₪₪ Get Many Paid Android s, Android s, Android mes , Iphone me, Iphone s, Iphone s Free
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: Browse, Share, Upload Sync photos, wherever y are ! Simple/Nice ! ₪₪ YES JUSTPICTURES LETS ACCESS PRIVATE ALBUMS MOST SERVICES, USE MANAGE LOGIN MENU. ₪₪
₪₪ [break] ₪₪ MANY COMMENTS BELOW ARE WRONG. PLEASE CHECK SETNGS CONTUAL MENUS BEE Y SOMETH NOT AVAILABLE. ₪₪ JustPictures! ulmate mul-platm gallery & vier ! ₪₪ It lets browse synchronize photos from Pica, Flickr, Smugmug, Facebook, Photobucket, Windows Live, Tumblr, Deviant Art, Imgur, MediaRSS feeds of course lo ones, a unified clean UI. JustPictures! best vier access photos wherever y are. ₪₪ Features are : ₪₪ ? Fullscreen brows sensor based rotation, ₪₪ ? Mul account search capabilities (titles, tags...) ₪₪ ? Aomatic notification of album updates (Except Flickr Photobucket), ₪₪ ? Slideshows a Live Wallpaper Android 2.1+ devices, ₪₪ ? Zoom pann capabilities multouch 2.0+ devices, -touch zoom ors ₪₪ ? Move, Delete Rotate lo photos, ₪₪ ? /Edit tags lo photos ₪₪ ? Set wallpaper, contact icon, email attachment, ₪₪ ? Batch mode edition (Favorite, Move, Delete, Rotate, Share, ve), ₪₪ ? Access Exifs tags (if any), ₪₪ ? Good uge of network updates, ₪₪ ? Managed cache, cache size be limited user defined value, ₪₪ ? Ahencation of users access private albums, password protected albums are supported Smugmug, ₪₪ ? Quick access Favorite photos, ₪₪ ? Set image wallpaper. ₪₪ ? Geolocation of photos displayed minimap + large map (includ a complete album) ₪₪ ? Tags from IPTC Pica, Flickr, Smugmug, Tumblr Deviant Art ₪₪ ? Tag brows ₪₪ ? Upload batch upload Pica, Facebook, Flickr, Smugmug, Photobucket Imgur ₪₪ Keywords: , photos, picture, pictures, pic, flickr, pica, smugmug, photobucket, windows, live, windowslive, imgur, facebook, tumblr, 500px, 500 px, upload, camera, quick, quickpic, zoom, exifs, iptc, xmp, fari, photofari, gallery ₪₪ IF IT, RATE IT ! ₪₪ IF FIND BUG, GO MY SITE ! ₪₪ /> ₪₪ ₪₪
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