₪₪ Chat Skype, Facebook, Google Talk, MSN, Yahoo!, ICQ, more. IM+ features free t, Neighbors geo-social network, group chats, mesge tory, mulmedia send much more. ₪₪ IM+ Pro has mesg needs covered, regardless of wher want stay touch IM contacts socialize people around . ₪₪ IM+ Pro supports major IM services, includ Facebook, Skype, MSN/Live Messenger, Google Talk, Yahoo!, AIM/iChat, ICQ, Jabber, MeinVZ, Gadu-Gadu, SINA ibo, mig33, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki.ru, Mamba.Ru, Feon, Yandex IM, Mail.Ru Agent RenRen. thought might want check up Twitter while mesg, added support it, too. ₪₪ love Angry Birds much , cooperation Rovio introduce Angry Birds IM+. our free interactive Angry Birds me, stay touch favorite birds when chatng!* ₪₪ NEIGHBORS offer a totally dimension of communication IM+ Pro by provid opportunity find real life connections common interests lo area. See who's Neighbor map, dive into lo group convertions, "sh" ask neighbors questions are important . I ab lo community! ₪₪ Below may find list of amaz features which will definitely take mobile IM experience next level: ₪₪ - Univerl iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad ₪₪ - Send t mesges, photos, videos, voice notes ₪₪ - Group chats Skype, MSN, AIM, ICQ Neighbors ₪₪ - Chat tory, accessible IM+ device from any b browser at https://plus.im ₪₪ - Mulple accounts per ₪₪ - Push notifications ab mesges GMail, Hotmail, Yahoo!, AOL e-mail inbox ₪₪ - Create personal geo status mesges ₪₪ - Customize IM+ look feel mes, backgrounds, custom sound notifications different sets of emoticons, includ emoji animated smile ₪₪ - Typ notifications ₪₪ - Built- browser ₪₪
're not done yet, IM+ features will keep com! ₪₪ 's Version 7.1 ₪₪ - Off--Record mesg now available - purchase ₪₪ - Fixed issues Windows Live Messenger Yahoo! ahencation ₪₪ - Bug fixes ₪₪ ₪₪