C4droid (C/C++ compiler) v3.51 ₪₪ Get Many Paid Android s, Android s, Android mes , Iphone me, Iphone s, Iphone s Free
: Android: 2.1 up ₪₪ Get Many Paid Android s, Android s, Android mes , Iphone me, Iphone s, Iphone s Free
: C4droid a simple C/C++ IDE + C/C++ compiler Android Makefile support. ₪₪ C4droid already has almost full C language support, don't need wait when it will be added. ₪₪ write own lications Android phone, run m. T uses TCC uClibc, it has full support of ANSI C some support of ISO C99. C4droid be used educational purposes practice C language. ₪₪
₪₪ [break] ₪₪ Some components of C4droid are LGPL-licensed. download used source code of TCC uClibc ir bsites (B TCC had modified by me, I recommend email me get modified source). ₪₪ C4droid includes Android Terminal Emulator run lication comtably. ₪₪ get C++ support need: ₪₪ 1) Install GCC plugin (C4droid will ask install it). ₪₪ 2) Select G++ compiler C4droid preferences. ₪₪ 3*) Use iostream, not iostream.h ₪₪ 4*) "us namespace std;" program (bee int main) ₪₪ compile Makefile projects, open any file me folder Makefile long-click "Compile" configure current directory (C4droid will create .c4droid configuration file when 'll press Ok). After configur folder, press compile bton C4droid will build project. ₪₪ Don't get enter execable name select compilation mode ( press ok also, else changes will be discarded) ₪₪ C4droid supports SDL, NativeActivity Qt GUI now, install SDL plugin C4droid use it ( GCC/G++ compiler supported, need GCC plugin). ₪₪ (SDL detected #include "SDL.h", NativeActivity detected #include "android_native__glue.h", Qt detected #include "QtGui"). ₪₪ re an experimental support Qt us necessitas, b note i alpha stage. ₪₪ Qt support limitations: ₪₪ 1) Path Ministro libraries hardcoded (/data/data/org.kde.necessitas.ministro/files/qt/l), email me if it will change. ₪₪ 2) QtCore QtGui libraries are supported by C4droid now. ₪₪ 3) If 're compil a sle-file Qt , must #include "sourcefilenamewithcpp.moc" end of file. If 're us .pro file compilation, don't need . ₪₪ Quick manual: ₪₪ If have found a bug not work, email me. ₪₪ If crashes start, reboot device, i a Google Play/Android bug. ₪₪ Long click ve bton "ve ", long click run run arguments. ₪₪ Result of compilation (binary) placed "/data/data/com.n0n3m4.droidc/files/temp", because sdcard doesn't have permission execion by default. ₪₪ If have "Illegal instruction" error, us internal compiler (TCC), install GCC plugin, GCC supports softfloat (by default). ₪₪ C4droid will check license via Internet. ₪₪ Report bugs at n0n3m4@gmail.com. ₪₪ /> ₪₪ ₪₪
https://play.google.com/store/s/d...4.droidc&hl=en ₪₪ Download Instructions: ₪₪ http://www.filecloud.ws/tlylisp3x2ey ₪₪ http://mir.cr/0J5EHBO3