: Total Sound Control ₪₪ ₪₪ ₪₪ Audio Control Pro a porful volume control . Create unlimited sound profiles switch beten m ease. ₪₪ Audio Control Pro gives users ability schedule audio profiles by . An Audio Profile Widget also available Pro users. ₪₪ **Audio Control Pro Features** ₪₪ -Custom sound profiles ₪₪ -Schedule sound profiles by ₪₪ -5 Widgets, choose any color ₪₪ -Profile widget have mulple instances/re-sizable ₪₪ -Control speakerphone volume ₪₪ -Lots of options customization ₪₪ -Loe support schedul by location more!* ₪₪ 's t version: ₪₪ *Free widget background packs at (www.mobiletrialware.com/downloads) ₪₪ 1.7.9 ₪₪ navigation bar ₪₪ Notification btons Jelly Bean devices ₪₪ complete torial moved online ₪₪ widget backgrounds improvements ₪₪ Updated simplified translations ₪₪ Headphones bug fix ₪₪ Rtones support profiles ₪₪ /> ₪₪ ₪₪